BEFORE WORK: Residential back yard with flooding issues around the base of the garden shed stemming from roof-runoff and basement sump-pump overflow.
AFTER WORK: After removing a large area of lawn and grading the soil to encourage water from the two downspouts and basement pump overflow to collect in a rain garden to the side of the shed. A progress shot of the sides of the shed being planted up with moisture and shade tolerant sedges. The flagstone steppers allow access to the shed from both sides now. Garden maturing nicely after 2 years and is managing the water well! The fence line prior to work was mostly grass and the client wanted more pollinator-friendly natives to fill that space. Second summer after completion. A section of lawn was taken out and the fence line was planted up with pollinator-friendly native species such as Swamp Milkweed, Jacob's Ladder and Echinacea.