This vacation home was an open palette ready for the opportunity to enhance the wonderful sense of place that is Michiana. Native plantings were part of the base concept, using cultivated plants in the areas that surrounded "outdoor room" areas.
The grilling patio area became a home to a pizza oven, native ferns, phlox, Hakone grass, and Jack-in-the-pulpit.

The sunniest spot in the yard became home to field flowers and dunes open land plants.

Rain swales on the day of install in 2013.

Two years after installation, the 1st Rain Swale's yucca have bloomed and are working with the sedges to infiltrate water.

Late summer, the allium heads are just past bloom while the irises and sedges continue to thrive and reduce flow to the client's driveway.

A beautiful Sandy Creek flagstone designed path leads the way through a custom Sandbar Willow arbor for returning beach goers.

An imposing 5' ceramic bear statue guards the corner of the backyard and makes for conversation when viewed from hot tub.